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BROOKLYN (NY) USA - Saturday, 25th February 2017 - 3 SPOTS LEFT


BROOKLYN (NY) USA - Saturday, 25th February 2017

Hosted by Love Baby A Photography

Workshop Tuition Fee is only $1095 USD.

This is the FULL amount for the workshop. 5 SPOTS must sell before the workshop is confirmed. Please do not make any travel arrangements just as yet.

Mastering SITTERS Workshop Invitation

A day through the lens of Kath V. will explore the essence of creating breathtaking and eternal baby portraits in an elegant and whimsical showcase as well as building a successful and thriving photography business.

The full-day session is designed to be interactive and hands-on, enticing your individual style to shine. Each workshop is catered to 10 attendees to ensure ample time for individual mentoring, learning and special interest themes.

Kath’s passion for baby and newborn photography is infectious, her work is brilliant and this opportunity presents a priceless investment in your career. Whether you are an experienced professional or entering the industry, this workshop will provide a wealth of knowledge, proven business strategies and a mentor in Kath who loves seeing her protégées succeed.


Open for all skill levels in photography whether you are an experienced professionals or a newbie.


This workshop shop is not available to anyone currently teaching or mentoring.


The workshop will run over a single day, 9:00am – 5pm, including lunch, snacks and refreshments.

BROOKLYN (NY) USA - Saturday, 25th February 2017

Maximum Attendance: 10 Attendees.


Participants will supply their own camera & lens (recommended 35mm or 50mm) and have basic knowledge of Lightroom and Photoshop.

Key Topics

The art of photographing SITTERS

Kath V. will demonstrate how to interact, connect & pose babies in a fun and engaging way. Along with basic baby poses (that sells and parents love) Kath’s 2 most requested and signature set ups – the swing and bonnet portrait will be covered. Kath will demonstrate the fine art of capturing such an extravagant statement piece in a subtle yet captivating style that embellishes baby’s features as the hero of the photo. There will be 4-5 models each with different ages, ethnicity and opposite genders to encourage variations in photography technique and baby’s personality.

***the images you capture can be added to your portfolio


Now it’s time to switch focus and watch your creations come to life. Kath will demonstrate her unique editing techniques that perfect images into sophisticated finished products using Lightroom and Photoshop. Kath will demonstrate how to get that perfect skin tone and how to enhance baby's amazing eyes.

Business and Marketing

The remainder of the afternoon will take attention off the spotlight and into the nitty gritty of running a successful photography business. It is one thing to take great images and another to create a thriving business; an area that Kath sees many talented photographers fall short. Kath will outline the key marketing, sales and business strategies that she has used to grow the business year after year. Most crucial to Kath success is her ability to sell a session and secure repeat and referral business. Pricing and products will also be covered intensively.

Studio Etiquette Do’s and Don’ts

Kath’s studio is one of the most popular newborn studios in the world. Her studio has inspired so many photographers around the globe. Kath will discuss everything studio related from planning, designing to organising your own home studio.